Consultation Costs

Initial examination

  • Cost 60 €
  • 1.5 - 2 hours
  • Initial history & examination
  • Ear acupuncture or cupping
  • Preparation of a therapy plan with plants

Follow-up treatment

  • Kosten 50 €
  • 45 - 60 minutes
  • Follow-up meeting and evaluation of progress
  • Creation or adaptation of the applied plants
  • Depending on the patient situation, ear acupuncture or cupping.


Documents for the first meeting

For your first appointment at my naturopathic practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg, please bring all relevant medical records, including lab results, doctor's findings, and information about current medications or previous treatments. Details of chronic illnesses are also important. These documents, in copy or digitally, allow me to better understand your health situation and develop an individualized treatment plan.

Changes of dates

It is my concern to give each patient the necessary attention. Therefore, binding appointments are important to accommodate each patient. If unexpected events prevent your scheduled appointment, I ask that you cancel 24 hours in advance. This allows other patients who need urgent care to get an appointment. Please note that appointments that are not cancelled in a timely manner will be charged. Thank you for your understanding.


I am at your disposal for making an appointment or for any questions you may have.
You can simply contact me by email, call or book an appointment directly.
We can then discuss all open points in detail and find the best solution for you
and plan our next steps.

For your first appointment, please bring copies of your medical records,
including lab results, doctor's findings and current medications.
These will help me to create an individual therapy plan for you.

Natural medicine usually involves mild forms of treatment.
However, if you experience discomfort or unexpected symptoms,
please do not hesitate to contact me immediately.

I understand that unexpected events may occur.
However, please notify me at least 24 hours in advance if you are unable to keep an appointment.
Unfortunately, without timely cancellation, I will have to charge you for the appointment.

I will be happy to provide you with a detailed invoice for the therapies performed.
Depending on your insurance contract and the individual services,
this invoice may be covered by your private health insurance or
your supplementary insurance. Payment of the fee can be made
either in cash or by bank transfer.

As an alternative practitioner I run a private practice.
As a rule, public health insurances do not cover
the costs for the treatments offered in my practice.
Depending on the private health insurances or a supplementary insurances may cover all or part of the costs.
If you have any questions you can clarify this in advance directly with your insurance company.
Cost: Initial examination 60€, follow-up appointment 40€.