Julian Weller

Practice for herbal medicine

Welcome to my practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg with a focus on phytotherapy. In my alternative practitioner practice I address the individual needs of my patients and accompany them on their way to a healthier life.

Hi, my name is Julian Weller.

As an alternative practitioner in Berlin-Charlottenburg, I bring my passion for natural medicine and phytotherapy to the service of your health. I use a wide range of naturopathic procedures to meet your individual needs and improve your well-being. I look forward to accompanying you on your path to greater well-being and welcoming you in an atmosphere of appreciation. 

My services


Phytotherapy, also called herbal medicine, uses healing properties of various plants to treat and prevent diseases and promote health.

Ear acupuncture

Ear acupuncture involves stimulating points in the ear to treat health problems. This method can be used for both acute and chronic complaints and can help improve overall well-being.


Cupping, a method of creating negative pressure in glass or plastic cups, is used to treat tension and strengthen the immune system, metabolism, lymph flow and blood circulation.


The applications of plants are as varied as the plants themselves which is why they are used for a wide variety of ailments and diseases. Some of the most common applications are:

Chronic diseases

Stress, anxiety and sleep disorders

Strengthening the immune system

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Gastrointestinal diseases

Cardiovascular diseases

Core principles

Patient centered treatment

I work with my patients to develop an individualized treatment plan to find a path that best fits their particular life situation and specific needs.

Companions and Supporter

With my expertise, I guide patients on their path to a healthier life, facilitate understanding of complex medical issues, and listen attentively to their concerns.

Holistic view

I perceive patients in their entirety - emotions, psyche and body - and do not focus exclusively on symptoms.